Today is Sat, just came back from haircut at Jurong Point, later gonna attend wedding of me colleague at Ritz... WooHoo...
Anyway recently got hooked on this machines that catch soft toy... haha... I think the place is called Prize stage... Have been there for the past few weeks... such a fun game... I totally love it... Maybe it has something to do with my past...
When i was Primary 6, my mum actually chase me away and i left home just like that... back then i had no money no ezlink or anything with me... so i walked to Superbowl near my place and started watching some uncles playing UFO catcher as it was known back then... i watched for hours and hours untill the uncle notice me and gave me a try or 2... And guess what on my 2nd attempt i caught the toy, it was quite a cute tiger and that was one of the most mermorable things in my life, that night i was found by my dad and was ask to go home.
But till now i still love playing and watching people play and seeing people's joy when they get it. It is really fun and of course money consuming... haha... but now i am a bit loaded with soft toy so if anyone wan buy any... can let me know ya... haha...
The M&M... Super cute la and they can walk and come with music... Cute!
Yoshi... Wahhaa
Small Melody...
The hardest to catch of them all. Cost $36 to get this but heng still got get...
Caught last weekend while waiting for GF to finish wedding dinner. I camp there 3 hours to 4 hours plus i guess...
Just caught this one yesterday... wahaha... at Cathay Cineleisure... Nice
So fun... haha.. WAiting now for time to pass as i await my dinner at 7.30pm... yawnz...