Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I just want to have some happyness!!!

Work is getting tougher and i beginning to become more and more no life.

Haha... You know i was talking to my gf yesterday and she was telling me that her HR manager very good life, always get to travel alot and spa and massage and shopping and only need work part time and stuff... and she was full of envious about it. And she felt this was the ideal life for anyone, to have your own kids and still indulge in your life.

Makes me wonder what do i wanted in my life, to be honest i dun know!!! Omg... mayb alot of people don't either.

But most do, i suppose...
most guys around my age will probably want a career, earns lots of money and have sports car and stuff...
Gals would probably want a handsome bf who dote on then and buy them lots of stuff, mayb a career, good pay, get married to rich guy and stuff...
Think about it !!! Do u actually find a common point between the 2? Actually the common point is that both guys and gals are after almost the same material stuff...

Is that all life is about now? Material stuffs... I guess people tend to forget happyness is the most important thing, at times while chasing for the material stuff that are suppose to make us happy we forget why are we chasing them for?

Just to keep up with the rest? Or for happyness , we tend forget the minor and simple things in life because we are so caught up with the chase, we just cant afford or refuse to take a step back and notice and enjoy the simple things in life.

So the pursuit of happyness becomes the pursuit for power, money, and all material stuff. Like they say some things money just can't buy so if you have time and happen to read my blog and do think about it, take a step back and notice the minor things in life and you will realise how happyness can be just right beside you.

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